Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Limbo land

Tomorrow is my beta. . .
I am nervous! I tested out my trigger which slowly got lighter and then yesterday it appeared to be darker. I tested again this morning and it's still the same light line. I spotted 1x yesterday and 1x already today. I am so nervous my beta is going to be too low. I am nervous about another ectopic or a chemical pregnancy. Hopefully tomorrow will be a good day.
The bottom test in this picture was taken on 5/22. The day of my ET before I went in. That was my guideline for my trigger. I tested the next 2 days 5/23 & 5/24 to see how long it was taking for the trigger to leave my system. The 27th I was really bummed because I was 5 days past transfer and that is when BFP's usually show up with 5 day transfers. I didn't test on the 28th because I was so scared. Then on the 29th it seems as though the line was a bit darker. I don't know what to think.  
This is yesterdays (7dp5dt) vs todays (8dp5dt)

Wednesday, May 23, 2012


I am officially PUPO! Pregnant Until Proven Otherwise! Yesterday we transferred 2 5 day blasts. I was a little disappointed with their grades but they still looked absolutely perfect to me on the moniter. They were 4cb & 3cb. No frosties :( Hopefully we won't need them though. 5/31/2012 is the moment of truth. I've been testing out the trigger. Hopefully I will know before that! hehe

Friday, May 18, 2012


Oh my goodness gracious I am so happy! I got the call with the fertilization report. Out of 8 eggs retrieved, 5 fertilized. Joe and I have 5 little itty bitty babies right now! GAHHH! I am scheduled for a 5dt on Tuesday unless they call me sooner for a 3dt. I won't be updated on their progress though. I am disappointed with that.

Makin Babies! (hopefully)

ER went well! This is a picture Joe took of me yesterday before I went in.

It's so weird what anesthesia can do! I don't remember a thing after they brought me into the OR. crazy! Anyways Dr. came in to recovery to tell me they got "8". I wonder if that means 8 eggs or 8 follicles. I am not sure but I will get the fertilization report later today. I can't wait. I am nervous and excited. Hopefully it's good news.
Anyways, this is how I feel right now...
I can't wait for Tuesday to have my babies in me :-)

Thursday, May 17, 2012


We are leaving soon for my egg retrieval. Nervous but more excited! Did my fashionista husband just come to me and ask me which shirt I think he should wear??? Yes he did. We are going to be in a hospital and he will be waiting in the waiting room! Anddd he just went upstairs and asked Gia which one he should wear. He's unbelievable! Haha.
I hope every single one of my eggs are mature and ready to meet their other half. I hope they fertilize like rock stars in those petri dishes! Go eggies! Go spermies! Let's make some babies!!!

Wednesday, May 16, 2012


Triggered last night with 10,000units of HCG! Hurt like HELL! I don't know how I am going to do the PIO injections for 2 (hopefully +) weeks.  After the bad news last Thursday, I went in for an u/s and blood work on Sunday (Mother's Day!) and the She Dr. told me that I still have a very good chance of getting pregnant this cycle and I've come this far, not to turn back. She said as long as my esrtogen gets over 1,000 then I should have no problem. She said that she's seen many women my age and this is all the follicles they produce. So basically it'd suck if I cancelled the cycle, went on a more agressive protocol and still only produced 4 follicles. I am confident that my few follicles will be great quality ones. I spoke to He Dr. yesterday, I don't like talking to him, he makes me feel so blah about my decision to keep going. I asked him if he thought I had a good shot and he said "Yes, but I also think you can do better". Whatever. My follicles and Joe's sperm will show him who's boss! Oh, and my E2 level went from 46, 232, 700, to 1274. I will find out later today what it is today.

How beautiful is this picture??? This is something that seems so simple yet is has been IMPOSSIBLE to get for months and months. And just like that....2 lines. Why does this beautifullness have to be so difficult to achieve? Too bad it's just the trigger. What a tease. First thing I wanted to do was scream and jump and smile and hug the precious little tiny stick then I wanted to rip it up and stomp on it for being fake. How can something so small (itty bitty wondfo) be such a BIG deal.

Friday, May 11, 2012

Bad News

Well I don't think I can take much more bad news at this point. Yesterday I went in for an u/s and bloodwork. Dr said my lining looked great and he counted about 5 or 6 follicles. I asked him if that was good and he said yes. All they need is 6. Well I was waiting to get my message from the nurse on my voice mailbox but instead I had a voicemail on my cell phone from the Dr himself. I knew right away something was wrong. He wanted to cancel my cycle. He doesn't think my ovaries produced follicles to their fullest potential. He says I am young and I should've had much more. He tried talking me into canceling it but I just wouldn't give in. He told me to increase my Follistim dose from 150 to 225 units and come back on Sunday. I called today to ask the nurse if I should order more stims and she was looking at my notes and it seems as though I only have 2 dominate follicles. So all of that pinching, poking, and pricking was for nothing. They will probably convert my cycle to IUI if not cancel it all together. Happy Mother's Day to me, right?

Tuesday, May 8, 2012


I am happy to report that Follistim is going well! Friday was my first night. Saturday night I had my friends bridal shower. I had to leave an hour early so that I could get home to take my injection. I was bummed about that because I had no good excuse to tell the bride to be why I was leaving early. That night Joe got a phone call to go in for overtime so he wasn't going to be home in the morning to give me my Lupron injection. I was so nervous that I had to do it myself. I was so proud of myself afterwards! I even did it again this morning just because I could. Today's Joe's day off so I let him sleep in a little and did my own injection. I am getting pretty good at this! Today on my lunch walk my ovaries felt heavy. That means these stims are doing their job =) The Follistim came in an awesome little pouch....

Check out the bruising from the Follistim pen...

Friday, May 4, 2012

Ready, Set, GO!

I went in for my baseline ultrasound and bloodwork on Wednesday. My period hadn't started YET. I say YET like that because it started right after my ultrasound. I was told I should be starting my stims that night. But I had to wait for my message with directions is my voice mailbox. Finally I got the message.  I have a small cyst (11.8mm) that they didn't seem too too concerned about (but I was freaking out about). I was told I could start my stims on Friday (today!). I was definately bummed I had to wait 2 more days though. Well tonight is the night no matter what! Now I (im)patiently wait for my follies to grow grow grow!

I ran into RiteAid on the way to work this morning to pick up a box of tampons. Tampax was buy 1 get 1 50% off. I almost grabbed 2 boxes. Then I realized....hopefully I won't be needing another box! Let's hope so!!!


Oh my goodness I cannot believe I didn't write about my horrible accumpuncture story last week. Maybe I was trying to pretend it didn't happen...
So I drove an hour away from work (an hour in the opposite direction of home) to see an accupuncturist that didn't even accept my insurance. But I knew that before hand. My experience was the complete opposite of what I hoped for and expected. She asked what my husbands profession was and when I told her a Corrections Officer she asked if I thought maybe he took Steriods. Was she accusing my husband of doing something illegal? Just assuming because of his profession? Implying that that may be the reason we are not pregnant? I couldn't believe it. Then she told me I look so young and she wondered if I had even been trying that long. All of this was none of her business. Anyways, trying to move past that experience so I'll just leave it at that. Oh, and no, I didn't punch her! But I should've!

Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Go Figure. . .

Go figure . . . Every month I pray that AF doesn't show up. Now, more then ever, all I want is for AF to come and she is nowhere in sight. I have been on Lupron for 11 days. Tomorrow is Day 12 and I go in for my baseline blood work and ultrasound. Hopefully not having AF yet doesn't delay anything and I can start my stims tomorrow night! I will update after tomorrow's appointment.