Tuesday, November 27, 2012

No go...

Why on Earth would I think I would be able to start an IVF cycle without a delay? Silly me. I should know by now that nothing goes as planned in this process. I thought I had tougher skin by now but I actually cried about it. I know, I am a big baby. A glass of wine helped. This is just so stupid. The whole thing. (Yes, I am whining. I am allowed too.) I was told to come in on Friday and by then my progesterone should be down. Well, Jackee doesn't want to wait until Friday. So, I asked if I can come in on Thursday. Ha! I am temping in the mean time and as soon as I see my temp go below 98, I will know I am good to go. This morning it was 98.45. I hate temping because it makes me so anxious. All I think is "hurry up and get to bed so I can see what my next temp will be". And I'd always hope for a higher temp. Now, I so desperately want it to be LOWER. Funny how things work...and I always had a crap ass short luteal phase of 9 days. Now for some reason it decides to be longer? Really? STUPID!

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