Friday, January 11, 2013


Wow what a crazy mix of emotions today has been and it's only 10am. Joe and I have been counting down the "sleeps" to get to today. We went to bed nice and early last night so that the morning would hurry up and get here. I think we were both so nervous and excited that our minds weren't all there. We left the house and were on our way to the doctors and as we were going over the bridge I said "oh no! We forgot my shot!". Yep, you'd think it'd be routine by now but somehow we forgot. So on top of the anxious and nervous feelings I was already having about the ultrasound, now I was panicking because I was worried I didn't have enough progesterone in me. That makes for one really upset stomach. Anyways, we walked in and the waiting room was packed. Jam packed. Like people were leaning against the walls. It moved quick though and I like to be a little later so that I don't feel like we have to rush through the ultrasound. Luckily they had some PIO there and Joe was able to give me my shot there. Phew...You had to see me preparing the injection. I was like a crack addict. I was feining for the progesterone I could not get it in me quick enough. Of course the doctor didn't know we were doing the injection so he comes in the room as I am leaned over the bed naked and Joe is behind me. Embarassing! Okay so now to the good stuff...we saw and HEARD both of their beautiful strong heartbeats! How amazing was that?? I am not sure if I am dreaming or not. When will this start to feel real? How did I get SO lucky? Seriously feeling overwhelmed with happiness and gratefulness. Both babies were "textbook" and he says everything looks great. He measured the first babies bpm and it was 139.53 but then he pressed the wrong button to zoom for us and messed up the machine so we couldn't count the beats per minute for the second baby but he said they sounded and looked the same on the wave monitor so they were probably the same. He also messed up the measurements and couldn't fix it so he didn't want to give us the picture with the wrong measurements. So he promised to spoil us with pictures next week! Another week to wait and countdown the sleeps. At least this week I will be much more relaxed. Here's a picture of one of the babes...

1 comment:

  1. Oh, yay! I was thinking of you this morning as I got ready for work, wondering how things were going! Still KMFX!!
