I think I kind of put the whole blog on hold because I have been in some what of denial that this is all real. Then I stop and think about how fast things are moving and it's scary and exciting at the same time.
Well, I'll start our first OB appt...
It was on February 5th @ 10w1d. We were so excited for this appointment. I kind of expected that we wouldn't be getting an ultrasound but I was expecting to listen to the heart beats at the very least. Well what a disappointment the entire appointment was. The nurse practioner saw us. She took my weight and blood pressure. She then talked to us for about 10-15 minutes in the exam room. I thought we'd at least sit down in the office and have a nice conversation. I thought we'd get a packet with information or something but we left empty handed. The second she left the room, I cried. And I cried, and I cried. I contacted my old OB and made an appointment with her because I never wanted to go back to this dr again. I later ended up cancelling the appointment with my old OB because although I wasn't happy with my first OB appointment, they deliver at the hospital with the best NICU in the area, God forbid, if we need it. My appointments from there on out have gotten better because I have requested not to see that nurse practioner again.
We announced our pregnancy to Facebook world on Valentine's Day. Here's our announcement...
We were sent to the hospital on 2/19 for our NT scan. Both babies looked beautiful.
We left for a Disney cruise the next day out of Miami and we had a great time! Here's a picture from our vacation... I managed not to gain any weight up until this vacation. Whether it was from over indulging in food or just the normal 12 growth spurt...I do not know!
And some pictures from our NT scan...
Had my 14 week appt on 3/7 at my OB. Which is always pretty uneventful. Just weight/blood pressure/heart beats. Listening to the heart beats is always exciting but I have a doppler at home so I am able to listen whenever I like :)
We had my 1st cervix check at MFM at 16 weeks on 3/19. We were told both babies were most likely....BOYS!!! But the tech wasn't 100% positive and we were looking forward to sharing the news before Easter. So we went for an elective ultrasound to find out the gender. It is in fact, 2 boys! We are so excited. I thought maybe Gia would be a tad disappointed not to have a little sister but she is just so excited and that makes me one happy Mama! Here is the picture we used to reveal their genders...
It was such a beautiful day until the moment we stepped foot outside with balloons. The wind started blowing, the balloons were getting tangled, a balloon popped on a branch...but it came out nicely and I was pleased with it.
Great update! I'm glad things are going well. Congrats on two baby boys!