Wednesday, March 27, 2013

My long over due update!

I don't even know where to start...
I think I kind of put the whole blog on hold because I have been in some what of denial that this is all real. Then I stop and think about how fast things are moving and it's scary and exciting at the same time.
Well, I'll start our first OB appt...
It was on February 5th @ 10w1d. We were so excited for this appointment. I kind of expected that we wouldn't be getting an ultrasound but I was expecting to listen to the heart beats at the very least. Well what a disappointment the entire appointment was. The nurse practioner saw us. She took my weight and blood pressure. She then talked to us for about 10-15 minutes in the exam room. I thought we'd at least sit down in the office and have a nice conversation. I thought we'd get a packet with information or something but we left empty handed. The second she left the room, I cried. And I cried, and I cried. I contacted my old OB and made an appointment with her because I never wanted to go back to this dr again. I later ended up cancelling the appointment with my old OB because although I wasn't happy with my first OB appointment, they deliver at the hospital with the best NICU in the area, God forbid, if we need it. My appointments from there on out have gotten better because I have requested not to see that nurse practioner again.
We announced our pregnancy to Facebook world on Valentine's Day. Here's our announcement...
We were sent to the hospital on 2/19 for our NT scan. Both babies looked beautiful.
We left for a Disney cruise the next day out of Miami and we had a great time! Here's a picture from our vacation... I managed not to gain any weight up until this vacation. Whether it was from over indulging in food or just the normal 12 growth spurt...I do not know!

And some pictures from our NT scan...

Had my 14 week appt on 3/7 at my OB. Which is always pretty uneventful. Just weight/blood pressure/heart beats. Listening to the heart beats is always exciting but I have a doppler at home so I am able to listen whenever I like :)
We had my 1st cervix check at MFM at 16 weeks on 3/19. We were told both babies were most likely....BOYS!!! But the tech wasn't 100% positive and we were looking forward to sharing the news before Easter. So we went for an elective ultrasound to find out the gender. It is in fact, 2 boys! We are so excited. I thought maybe Gia would be a tad disappointed not to have a little sister but she is just so excited and that makes me one happy Mama! Here is the picture we used to reveal their genders...

It was such a beautiful day until the moment we stepped foot outside with balloons. The wind started blowing, the balloons were getting tangled, a balloon popped on a branch...but it came out nicely and I was pleased with it.

Monday, February 4, 2013


Yes Yes Yes! Sometimes I still cannot believe this is real. Something I thought would never happen...happened to me. I am so happy but at the same time I can't stop myself from thinking this is way too good to be true. I am trying to get over my fears but I don't think that is ever going to be possible. I can't wait to start knowing and believing in my head...I AM PREGNANT. I AM PREGNANT WITH TWINS. I guess time will give me the reassurance I am looking for.
Batman and Robin are taking over our fridge! Gia says to me "mom don't forget to put pictures of me up too". Awe my sweet precious girl. Will she ever really understand how much she means to me? My eyes are filling with tears as I write about her. She is so so so special to me. God, I hope she never feels pushed away. I pray I have the strength and energy to give her all of the attention that she needs and deserves from me once the twins are here.
And this week....I say GOOD BYE to my Sharps containers. PEACE OUT!

Tomorrow is our first OB appointment and we are SO excited! Pics to come...

Wednesday, January 30, 2013


9w2d and feeling amazing! Today that is...Sunday through Tuesday was a different story as the whole household was sick! I am happy to report that I haven't had any more spotting! YIPEE!! What a relief. I have been having a terribly difficult time breathing. I had no idea this was pregnancy related but I looked it up and sure enough it's because my lungs are taking in extra oxygen for the fetuses. Also, I have been doing this weird hiccupy type thing. I googled it to see what it was all about. Totally wasn't expecting to find it related to pregnancy at all or for even anything to pop up understanding what I was describing. But yes, they are hiccups because I am breathing in an extra 30-40% more oxygen. So, there you have it. An explanation! It normally comes 2 times at a time. So, I think of it as each baby saying HI to me and the world :) I am doing good off of the PIO. I was worried that stopping may cause spotting but it didn't. Just waiting to see my amazing little babes again next Tuesday and our first OB visit! 5 days and 20 more hours!
This week we are the size of prunes

Friday, January 25, 2013


I graduated from my RE. I am going to miss it there and seeing my babies every week. Dr. Klein said I am welcome any time I want to come in and see them. That was sweet. I was kind of sad that I didn't get to say good bye to him in person and most importantly, THANK HIM. We were supposed to go in for our last monitoring today (Friday) but on Wednesday I spotted again and obviously was freaked out by it. I was able to rush into the NYC office for an u/s. I was relieved that Dr. Klein didn't perform the u/s though. He's great, but he rushes. Maybe it's because I go during monitoring hours and there are 25 women waiting in the waiting room after me. I got a very thourough u/s on Wednesday. She spent about 5 minutes on each of them. Robin was in the fetal position so it was hard to measure him. So he measured 8 weeks (I was 8w2d) and Batman measured 8w2d exactly. Batman's bmp were 182 and Robin's were 184. So proud of those little boogers! And the picture came out so much more clear. She printed a whole bunch and they were great pics. I thought they were for me but she kept them and gave me only 1. The actually looked like little babies in the ones she took. The one she gave me, she was just trying to get them both in the same picture so it's not as good. But I will post! Anyways, I was told to stop my progesterone (EEEKK!). And now we have 10 days and 18 hours until our first OB appt. So excited.

Joe suprised me and drew this picture on our kitchen chalk board. And he bought these bibs! Such a proud Daddy!

And I am having lots of fun and keeping busy with this gift I got from my BFF. I never thought I could have such a wonderful friendship and connection with someone I met on BBC. Thank you so much for these books. I cried when I opened the box and I am crying again thinking about it. Thank you. I love you!

Monday, January 21, 2013

8 weeks!

Batman & Robin are 8 weeks today! Phew, another milestone. 10 weeks will feel amazing and 12 weeks is going to feel fantastic.
We had an ultrasound on Friday at 7w4d. Dr. Klein freaked us out and I have not been able to stop thinking about it. He put the wand in and so quickly went from Batman to Robin and then back to Batman. He said "Okay, here's the deal...". I squeezed Joe's hand so tightly. I don't know how to read sonograms but he went so quickly that I figured it must've been something pretty obvious to speak so soon. Then he goes "Okay, nevermind". What?! Nevermind? Please, don't freak us out again. He said that he saw Robin's heart flickering right away but didn't see Batman's right away. Well TAKE YOUR TIME NEXT TIME. And don't open your mouth until you are sure of something. He later apologized for freaking us both out. He explained that sometimes there is a vanishing twin and was just looking for that. I was still uneasy even after he assured us both heartbeats were perfect. Batman was measuring right on track at 7w4d and Robin was a day ahead at 7w5d.
Today I used the restroom and when I wiped there was clear pinkish brown spotting on the toilet paper. No pregnant woman wants to see that. I know the babies are okay. I know this is normal. But still. I don't need any more worry to be added to the mix. So I chugged down a bottle of water so that I could get to the restroom quicker and see what the trip brought. Nothing. Phew. Nothing at all. Like I had imagined it. It still worries me and coupled with the freak out from the Dr... I am a little uneasy this week. We go back on Friday at 8w4d for our last visit with the RE. Our first OB appt is on Tuesday, February 5th at 10w1d. So I will have to make it 10 days without an ultrasound.
The top picture is their heart beats. Batman is on the top and Robin is on the left.
The bottom picture is their solo pics. Robin is the top picture and Batman is the bottom picture.

Oh, and I cannot wait to get an ultrasound picture from the OB. I feel like these pictures are so grainy. I want a good picture!

Monday, January 14, 2013


3 days, 4 hours, 10 minutes, and 29 seconds until we see Batman & Robin again. We.Can't.Wait!

We shared our good news with our families on Friday. This is the shirt that we made for Gia to wear.

Friday, January 11, 2013


Wow what a crazy mix of emotions today has been and it's only 10am. Joe and I have been counting down the "sleeps" to get to today. We went to bed nice and early last night so that the morning would hurry up and get here. I think we were both so nervous and excited that our minds weren't all there. We left the house and were on our way to the doctors and as we were going over the bridge I said "oh no! We forgot my shot!". Yep, you'd think it'd be routine by now but somehow we forgot. So on top of the anxious and nervous feelings I was already having about the ultrasound, now I was panicking because I was worried I didn't have enough progesterone in me. That makes for one really upset stomach. Anyways, we walked in and the waiting room was packed. Jam packed. Like people were leaning against the walls. It moved quick though and I like to be a little later so that I don't feel like we have to rush through the ultrasound. Luckily they had some PIO there and Joe was able to give me my shot there. Phew...You had to see me preparing the injection. I was like a crack addict. I was feining for the progesterone I could not get it in me quick enough. Of course the doctor didn't know we were doing the injection so he comes in the room as I am leaned over the bed naked and Joe is behind me. Embarassing! Okay so now to the good stuff...we saw and HEARD both of their beautiful strong heartbeats! How amazing was that?? I am not sure if I am dreaming or not. When will this start to feel real? How did I get SO lucky? Seriously feeling overwhelmed with happiness and gratefulness. Both babies were "textbook" and he says everything looks great. He measured the first babies bpm and it was 139.53 but then he pressed the wrong button to zoom for us and messed up the machine so we couldn't count the beats per minute for the second baby but he said they sounded and looked the same on the wave monitor so they were probably the same. He also messed up the measurements and couldn't fix it so he didn't want to give us the picture with the wrong measurements. So he promised to spoil us with pictures next week! Another week to wait and countdown the sleeps. At least this week I will be much more relaxed. Here's a picture of one of the babes...

Thursday, January 3, 2013


Spells TWO! Twins. Or should I write TTWWIINNSS!! Joe and I have two beautiful miracles growing inside of me. I cannot believe this. This truly is nothing short of a miracle. We went this morning for our first ultrasound. I was totally fine in the day leading up to today. Not really anxious or worried. Just excited. Then it hit me like a ton of bricks this morning. I was so nervous I literally felt my entire stomach moving around. I think I had to make a run for the bathroom twice before it was even 7am. As soon as he put the wand in place, I knew. I saw. I saw them right away. I couldn't believe it. I saw my babies. The doctor said he assumed it would be twins because of my levels but my levels were never really high. This is crazy. This is absolutely nuts. He warned us that just because we saw two doesn't mean we will be having twins. But you can't give me that and take it back so I am going to keep them both! Ha! Excuse me for being greedy but I want - no, I need these two babies. Joe and I have been referring to them as Batman and Robin. So I leave you with a picture of our superhero babies....
That's MY uterus!!!! Yeah!!!
Mommy & Daddy are ecstatic!!!