My estrogen dropped again. Deja vu....
Everything looked great this morning. Then I got the call. I know whenever they call that something is wrong. My estrogen went from 2235 yesterday to 1946 today. Bad egg quality again?? Dr. Nasseri wanted me to take a booster dose as soon as possible. So I ran home on my lunch break to take 225 follistim and 3 vials of menopur. I have to trigger tonight at 11:15. The good news is that I haven't heard the word CANCELLED yet. The nurse did fail to give me an ER appt time though which makes me think they aren't scheduling it yet because they don't know what's going to happen. This really isn't fair. I don't know what to do from here. I am so scared for tomorrows blood work results.
Just for refrence... last cycle E2 was 2700 before trigger and decreased to 1800 after trigger.
Dang it! We're cycling so close together...I'm on stim day 10 today. I hope this works for you!!